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Steps to Take after an Accident While on Vacation in Utah

A relaxing vacation might be the best way to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of work and other responsibilities. However, many people do not plan on an unexpected accident that leaves them or another member of their party severely injured. Being in an accident while on vacation in Utah can leave you confused about the next steps. If your vacation was set back by a personal injury accident, contact the injury attorneys at Feller & Wendt. 

What to Do If You Are in an Accident on Vacation?

One of the worst parts about sustaining an injury on vacation is figuring out how to handle the situation. Whether you are away from home or not, follow these steps after sustaining a personal injury. 

Contact the Police 

If you were in a car accident in Utah, you must call the police if there is a personal injury, the accident is blocking traffic, or damages exceed more than $1,500. However, you should always contact local law enforcement after an accident. Police officers create a report detailing where the accident occurred, vehicle damage, parties involved, and other relevant information. Police officers may also write traffic tickets for car accidents if the other party was texting or speeding. Ultimately, a police report may aid your case. 

Notify the People in Charge 

An accident can happen anywhere, not just on the road. You might slip on a puddle in a retail store, or you may fall down the steps at a hotel because of a loose railing. When an injury happens on another person’s property, you must inform the owner. If you do not inform the owner and later try to file a claim, you might have difficulty. The owner or their insurance provider might argue that your injuries resulted from a different accident since you did not inform the manager immediately after the incident. In addition to notifying the people in charge, you should also contact the police. 

Collect Evidence 

Regardless of the accident you were in, you must collect evidence at the accident scene. Photographs are vital in injury cases, and you should take as many as possible. For example, if you were in a car accident, you should photograph the position of both vehicles and damage to either vehicle. You might also want to document road and weather conditions. 

Conversely, if you were in a slip and fall accident, you should take pictures of what caused your fall and the surrounding area. Remember, accident crews or employees might clean up the scene before the police arrive, so take photos immediately. Documenting your injuries might also help your case. 

Seek Medical Attention 

Even if you feel fine or show no external injuries, always see a doctor after a personal injury accident. Many injuries have delayed-onset symptoms, such as whiplash or muscle strain, and symptoms might not appear for days or weeks after the accident. Additionally, you might be suffering from internal injuries, such as organ damage, only a doctor can diagnose. Furthermore, the shock from the accident might be subduing the pain. Once the shock wears off, you may begin to feel immense pain or discomfort. Not only is seeing a doctor beneficial to your recovery, but it may move your injury case in a positive direction. Insurers tend to interpret not seeing a doctor as exaggerating your injuries, causing them to deny or reduce your claim’s worth. 

Never Admit Fault 

Even if you believe that you are at least partially responsible for the accident, never admit fault to the other party, the police officers, or an insurance company. The other party will only use that information against you down the road. It’s nearly impossible to determine who was at fault for an accident without a proper investigation. Your injury attorney can launch one to determine liability. 

Consult with the Injury Attorneys at Feller & Wendt 

If you were in an accident while on vacation in Utah, consult with the injury attorneys at Feller & Wendt. While it is possible to seek legal representation from an attorney in your home state, they might not be familiar with Utah’s personal injury laws, and the other party might exploit that. At Feller & Wendt, our team has over 70 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases in Utah and the skill necessary to pursue various injury cases, including car accidents and slip and fall accidents. Call (801) 499-5060 or complete our contact form for a free consultation. 

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