Free Consultation: 801.499.5060
Free Consultation: 801.499.5060



You were recently involved in a motor vehicle accident or some other accident which caused injury to yourself or loved ones. You are not at fault, but you are having a hard time deciding how to proceed. You know that you didn’t do anything wrong, but you are a person with high moral integrity, and the thought of seeking legal help with your claims seems somehow wrong.

This thought process is not uncommon, especially in our great state of Utah, where religious considerations are more prolific. You may find yourself opposed to taking and legal measures against another, but you are also concerned with the competing interest of taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

Interestingly enough, our founding fathers and early legal minds contemplated the purpose and function of tort laws – laws that redress a wrong done to a person. These laws have two purposes: to punish wrongdoers and deter wrongful conduct. They also help to vindicate parties and deter retaliation or violent and unlawful self help. As you can see, deterrence is an important purpose of the legal tort system.

We at Feller & Wendt can help you can help you make this community a safer place by working to deter future wrongful conduct. Our strategy of legal representation seeks to send a message to wrongdoers that their…

  • Failure to pay attention;
  • Failure to secure a dangerous dog;
  • Failure drive sober;
  • Failure stay off their cell phone;
  • Failure obey the rules of the road;
  • Failure to provide safe housing;
  • Failure to provide safe medical treatments;

…is not acceptable and cannot be repeated in the future. As such, your potential law suit can be the catalyst for a jury (members of our community) to both redress your injuries and deter future negligent conduct by the defendant. Legal action allows our community to protect itself and to help deter members of our society from acting in a manner that can cause harm to us and our loved ones. It is an opportunity for you and all of us to send a message that we all need to repeatedly hear “Safety Matters”.

So while you are mulling over the moral dilemma that you may be facing regarding your option to pursue legal actions for your claims, remember that you have an opportunity – and can I dare say, an obligation – to help deter the kind of conduct that led to your injuries or the injuries of your loved ones. Help prevent that teen down the street from texting while driving. Help stop the doctor in our local hospitals from providing treatments without proper and thorough diagnostics. Help keep our nursing homes safe for all our elderly (including us when our times comes). Help keep that dangerous dog away from children in your neighborhood.

Contact Feller & Went for a risk free assessment of your case and an opportunity to make our community a safer place for all.

Free Consultation

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