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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Twin Falls Truck Accident Lawyers

When you are involved in an automobile collision with a truck, the results can be catastrophic. The looming 18-wheeled vehicles can weigh more than 70,000 pounds fully loaded. When operated by a reckless driver or overloaded by a careless company, the vehicle can collapse and result in a serious multi-car pile-up. 

If you have fallen victim to the negligent actions of a truck driver, you are entitled to file a personal injury claim for your injuries and property damage. The aftermath of a collision can result in long hospital stays and pricey bills. While you concentrate on recovering, the best course of action you can possibly take is to hire a dedicated Twin Falls truck accident attorney from Feller & Wendt immediately. We are prepared to take care of the serious aspects of your case and get you one step closer to getting the compensation you need to move forward from your accident and start anew. 

Who Is at Fault for Your Truck Accident?

There are many potential at-fault parties when it comes to a truck accident. The most common perpetrator is the truck driver themself. Other options include the trucking company, which would also be held liable for their employees’ reckless actions under a legal principle known as respondeat superior. Your Twin Falls, ID truck accident lawyer can help you identify a liable party by demonstrating negligence has occurred. This is done by establishing they: 

  • Owed you a standard of care
  • Breached that care by acting negligently or recklessly. 
  • Directly caused an accident and your injuries

Idaho currently follows a modified comparative negligence law, which allows for partially responsible parties to still file for damages. As long as you are found to be under 50% responsible for the truck accident, you are entitled to recover damages. It is important to note your compensation will be adjusted according to your percentage of calculated fault. 

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help Your Case?

Don’t try to navigate the aftermath of your truck accident alone. The insurance company is not your friend and will likely try to offer you a small settlement immediately after your accident to cross your case off a list. When you partner with a dedicated Twin Falls truck accident attorney, you give yourself the best chance at a settlement offer worthy of your claim. While you focus on rest and recovery, our team will work on the following: 

Gather Time-Sensitive Evidence

To establish negligence and identify an at-fault party, we will begin an immediate investigation into your accident and its surrounding circumstances. Part of this will include the collection and analysis of time-sensitive and pertinent information, including traffic camera footage, eyewitness accounts, police reports, driving logs, detailed medical records, and even professional testimony or opinion. 

File Your Claim

After your accident, Idaho gives you two years to file a claim with the negligent party’s insurance. This statute of limitations deadline begins the day of the accident. This may seem like a suitable amount of time to file a claim, but with serious injuries, this process can be quite overwhelming. 

When a Twin Falls truck accident lawyer is overseeing your claim, you don’t have to worry about having your claim dismissed due to a missed deadline. Our team will handle the entire claim process, including all scheduling, communications, and negotiations with the insurance company. 

Fight for Adequate Compensation

The aftermath of a truck accident can vary in severity but will almost always result in a pile of medical bills and property damage. You don’t deserve to have to pay the emotional or physical price of another person’s blatant disregard for your safety. Idaho currently offers economic and non-economic damages for those who have experienced a personal injury accident, such as:

  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Emergency hospital visits
  • Property damage
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical therapy or any necessary rehabilitation
  • Lost wages due to missed work

Our team is here to fight for your future and ensure the insurance company doesn’t get away with a low or unworthy settlement offer. If an agreement cannot be reached, we’re even prepared to take your case to court. 

Injured in a Truck Accident? Secure Your Future Today

Your life can change in the blink of an eye after a truck accident. Your earning potential, medical status, and more can be affected. While this occurs, Feller & Wendt will remain a steady and committed presence in your life, ensuring that you are never alone in this battle. With a longstanding presence in the Scottsdale community, we have successfully secured substantial compensation for countless victims of negligence and reckless driving. Let us handle the complexities while you prioritize your recovery journey.

Don’t delay your chance for a fresh start any longer. Reach out to us today to schedule your complimentary consultation. You can either use our contact form or call our Twin Falls truck accident lawyer directly at (208) 391-5945. Your path to justice and compensation begins here.  

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