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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Twin Falls Premises Liability Lawyers

Property owners in Idaho owe their visitors a legal duty of care to ensure their premises are hygienic and safely maintained. When owners fail to perform adequate maintenance or repairs on their properties, they may bear liability if someone suffers injuries due to the condition of their premises. Slips, trips, falls, and other accidents can cause life-altering injuries in addition to emotional and monetary distress. If you have been injured in a premises liability accident, you may have legal grounds to pursue a claim to compensate you for your injuries and other losses. 

Premises liability cases in Idaho are complex. Fortunately, a seasoned Twin Falls premises liability lawyer can use their expertise and skills to investigate your case and pursue justice on your behalf. At Feller & Wendt, our knowledgeable attorneys have many years of experience successfully representing premises liability victims in Twin Falls and the neighboring areas. Our trusted attorneys can ensure you understand your legal rights and options as they guide you through every step of Idaho’s intricate legal process. 

Benefits of Hiring a Skilled Twin Falls, ID Premises Liability Attorney

Premises liability claims require extensive time, resources, and legal expertise. Without a skilled attorney, these types of claims can be lengthy and tedious, leaving you without the support you need to treat your injuries and recover fully. At Feller & Wendt, our attorneys dedicated themselves to handling every aspect of your case as you focus on your health, including the following:

  • Aggressively advocating for your rights and interests
  • Answering your legal questions
  • Determining the total value of the claim
  • Filing all paperwork correctly and on time
  • Gathering evidence and eyewitness statements 
  • Helping you organize your medical expenses and other accident-related damages
  • Guiding you through every step of the premises liability claims process
  • Negotiating with all parties on your behalf
  • Taking your case to trial if necessary 

Through a premises liability claim, you may be able to secure financial compensation for medical bills, pain, suffering, and other accident-related losses. Our experienced Twin Falls premises liability lawyers will address your current and expected needs when pursuing the total amount of compensation you deserve for the losses you have endured. 

Types of Premises Liability Cases We Handle at Feller & Wendt

While slip, trip, and fall accidents are the most common types of premises liability claims, many different types of accidents fall under this legal category. At Feller & Wendt, our attorneys have a wealth of experience handling slips, trips, and falls, as well as several other types of premises liability cases, including the following:

  • Collapsing floors or stairs
  • Escalator or elevator accidents
  • Accidents caused by negligent premises employees
  • Exposure to chemicals or toxic fumes
  • Dangerous objects or debris
  • Fire and smoke injuries
  • Inadequate security accidents
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Accidents caused by falling trees or branches

Our experienced Twin Falls premises liability attorneys understand that no two premises liability claims have the exact same circumstances or effects on victims. The type, location, and parties involved in your accident all present their own complexities that can impact your case. A skilled attorney will investigate every detail of your accident to ensure you are compensated for the full extent of your injuries and other losses. 

Establishing Liability in a Premises Liability Claim

While some hazards can appear without warning, many are known to property owners and may be unaddressed for months or even years. While minor repairs may go unnoticed, any reasonable property owner should recognize and repair hazards that can endanger others, such as broken stairs, exposed wires, or faulty escalators. To successfully establish fault in a premises liability claim, your attorney must craft a case that establishes the following elements:

  • The property owner owed you a duty of care to avoid injuries on their premises.
  • The property owner violated the duty of care by acting negligently.
  • Their negligence directly caused your accident.
  • Your accident caused you to suffer financial losses, such as medical bills, and non-economic losses, such as pain and suffering.

If you have suffered injuries in a premises liability accident, do not hesitate to pursue the justice you deserve. Our experienced attorneys will begin investigating your case without delay to collect critical evidence from the scene as well as police and medical reports to support your claim.

Speak With a Trusted Premises Liability Attorney at Feller & Wendt

The skilled Twin Falls, ID premises liability lawyers at Feller & Wendt understand the ins and outs of Idaho premises liability law and have the experience and skills necessary to handle your case. We have several years of experience and a proven track record of achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. When you partner with us, we will analyze every detail of your case and work to hold the negligent property owner fully responsible for your injuries and other damages. 

To schedule a free consultation with a member of our legal team and learn more about what we can do for you, call us today at (208) 391-5945 or complete our contact form.

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