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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Twin Falls Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

In the wake of a pedestrian accident, victims are often forced to contend with challenging physical, emotional, and financial consequences. When someone texts and drives or engages in other negligent behaviors, they may fail to see vulnerable pedestrians on the road and cause devastating accidents. If you were injured while walking due to a driver’s recklessness, an attorney may be able to help you file a claim for the losses you have suffered. 

The skilled Twin Falls, ID pedestrian accident lawyers at Feller & Wendt have dedicated their careers to protecting pedestrian accident victims and helping them recover the financial compensation they need to move their lives forward. We have many years of experience helping our clients secure the best possible outcomes and are here to help you achieve the justice you deserve. 

How a Twin Falls Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Help You

The consequences of a pedestrian accident can be life-changing for victims, making it vital for them to recover the monetary compensation they need to compensate for their physical, emotional, and financial losses. If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, you deserve to have a skilled attorney on your side. At Feller & Wendt, our experience, skills, and resources can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim and help make the legal process as stress-free as possible. One of our skilled attorneys can help in the following ways:

  • Investigate every aspect of your accident
  • Determine the liable party 
  • Calculate your damages
  • Organize your medical bills and other expenses 
  • Collect evidence to support your claim
  • Answer your legal questions
  • File all paperwork correctly and on time
  • Prepare your case for trial
  • Negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf

Pedestrian accidents can be legally dense, involving several possible liable parties, strict legal time limits, and a thorough understanding of Idaho law. Our Twin Falls pedestrian accident lawyers have an established track record of success and know what it takes to improve your chances of securing the outcome you deserve.

Who May Be Liable in a Pedestrian Accident Claim?

After a pedestrian accident, it is essential to understand who may be responsible for the incident to determine liability and pursue compensation. A few parties that may bear fault for your accident-related injuries include the following:


Drivers have a duty to act responsibly while behind the wheel, including obeying traffic laws, observing their surroundings, and yielding to pedestrians. If a driver acts negligently or becomes distracted and causes a collision, the injured pedestrian may have grounds to pursue compensation from the negligent driver for their injuries through a personal injury claim. 

Vehicle Manufacturers

Sometimes, the fault for a pedestrian accident can extend beyond the vehicle’s driver. If a defect in the car or truck design or manufacturing caused the collision, the manufacturer may be legally responsible for any injuries caused by the defect. For example, damaged brakes or faulty steering mechanisms can make it impossible for a driver to avoid hitting a pedestrian, even if they are driving carefully.

Government Entities

Government bodies, including state and city agencies, can also be liable for pedestrian accidents depending on the case’s circumstances. If a hazardous roadway condition or poor road maintenance causes a pedestrian accident, the government entity responsible for road maintenance may be held accountable for its failure to keep the road safe. However, it is essential to note that claims against government entities often involve complex legal requirements and strict filing time limits. A skilled Twin Falls pedestrian accident attorney can help you navigate this detailed process to pursue your claim. 

Examples of Negligence in Pedestrian Accidents

Engaging in distractions or other reckless behaviors while behind the wheel can endanger pedestrians. Individuals who choose to walk do not have the protection of airbags or a steel frame, making accidents typically severe for victims. While every pedestrian accident is unique, many are caused by similar examples of driver negligence, including the following:

  • Disregarding traffic signals, stop signs, or crosswalks
  • Distracted driving 
  • Texting and driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving while drowsy

At Feller & Wendt, we are committed to holding negligent drivers fully responsible for their careless actions and will fight aggressively for the maximum compensation available on your behalf.

Speak With a Trusted Pedestrian Accident Attorney at Feller & Wendt

If you were injured by a distracted or negligent driver in a pedestrian accident, do not hesitate to contact an experienced attorney. At Feller & Wendt, our renowned Twin Falls pedestrian accident lawyers understand the ins and outs of Idaho personal injury law and are ready to apply their extensive experience and skills to your case. We know how challenging the aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be and will fight for your rights as you focus on your healing process. 

To learn more about how our talented attorneys can help you, call us today at (208) 391-5945 or complete our contact form.

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