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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Twin Falls Bus Accident Lawyer

A Brief Summary of the Following Article

  • The article discusses the potential dangers of bus travel and the need to hold negligent parties accountable for bus accidents.
  • Feller & Wendt, with over 75 years of collective experience, offers legal assistance for bus accident victims, emphasizing compassion and dedication.
  • It explains the possible parties liable for bus accidents in Idaho, including the bus driver, other drivers, employers, manufacturers, and passengers.
  • The article outlines the types of damages that can be recovered after a bus accident and the importance of contacting a lawyer to navigate the complex legal process and achieve a fair settlement.

Buses can be a convenient and eco-friendly way to get to work and go on trips, but they can also be dangerous because you rely on the bus driver, other drivers, and passengers to uphold their duty to care for your safety. If someone fails to do this and causes you injury, our experienced lawyers at Feller & Wendt are here to fight for your rights and hold the negligent party accountable.

With over 70 years of combined experience providing top-notch legal services for Idaho victims, you can trust us to fearlessly take on your claim and handle every aspect with compassion and dedication. We strive to give you a stress-free legal experience and share our extensive knowledge with you so you can better understand your claim and make the best decisions for your future. Our attentive team takes a personalized approach to create a plan based on your unique needs, giving you the best chance of achieving justice and maximum compensation.

Who May Be Liable for a Bus Accident in Idaho?

According to the Idaho Transportation Department, 126 bus accidents occurred in the state in 2021. While many may assume the driver is always liable for these types of accidents, this is not always the case. Depending on the circumstances and details of the accident, the following parties may be responsible for a bus crash:

  • Bus driver: If the driver failed to follow traffic laws or drove recklessly or while under the influence, they may be liable for the accident and your injuries.
  • Another driver: Perhaps another driver caused the bus driver to swerve and hit your vehicle. In this case, the other driver may be responsible.
  • Employer: The bus driver’s employer may be liable if they failed to train their drivers properly, did not maintain the buses, or overworked their drivers.
  • Manufacturer: If a defective part of the bus caused the accident, the manufacturer may be held accountable.
  • Passenger: A bus passenger may be liable for the accident if they distracted the driver and caused them to crash.

Sometimes, it can be challenging to know whose negligence caused the accident. Our Twin Falls, ID bus accident lawyers work hard to gather evidence, like video footage, witness testimony, maintenance records, and police reports, to prove the liable party breached their duty of care and caused the accident and your injuries. 

What Damages Are Available After a Twin Falls Bus Accident?

The damages you suffer after a bus accident are often more than just physical, and you may worry about paying medical bills and recovering from the time you may have missed at work. Our compassionate Twin Falls bus accident attorneys understand these concerns and fight tirelessly for the compensation you deserve. Depending on the severity of your injuries and other details of your claim, you may recover the following damages:

  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages from missed work 
  • Property damages
  • Ambulance ride
  • Rehabilitation
  • Prescribed medications
  • Mental anguish
  • Surgery costs
  • Reduced quality of life

Because multiple parties are often involved in bus accidents, Idaho uses a modified comparative negligence system when awarding damages. This means each party involved in the crash receives a percentage of fault, which gets deducted from their respective damages. Those over 50% at fault cannot collect any damages. While this system allows you to recover damages if you were partially responsible for the accident, insurance adjusters may use it to treat you unfairly. Our knowledgeable Twin Falls bus accident lawyers understand their strategies and use our advanced negotiation skills to achieve a fair settlement.

Why Contact a Lawyer After a Bus Accident?

While you may attempt to handle your claim on your own, you deserve to focus on recovery instead of dealing with insurance adjusters and the complicated legal process. Our Feller & Wendt attorneys take these tasks off your plate and handle every aspect of your claim, including the following:

  • Thoroughly investigating the accident
  • Collecting and analyzing evidence
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Answering your legal questions
  • Utilizing valuable resources, like accident reconstructionists and traffic analysts, to strengthen your claim
  • Filing your claim properly
  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Taking your claim to court if necessary

In addition, acting quickly after the accident is crucial for collecting evidence before it’s lost and meeting Idaho law’s two-year statute of limitations. While this may seem like plenty of time, recovery and other obstacles can cause delays. Our hardworking Twin Falls bus accident lawyers ensure your claim is filed within this time frame so you can seek the justice you deserve.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Skilled Bus Accident Lawyer at Feller & Wendt in Twin Falls

The aftermath of suffering injuries in a bus accident due to someone else’s negligence can be overwhelming, and taking on insurance companies on your own is not easy. Our compassionate Twin Falls, ID bus accident attorneys at Feller & Wendt understand the complications of the legal process and provide comprehensive services that allow you to focus on healing.

We understand that every bus accident claim is different, so we work closely with you to create a customized solution based on your circumstances. Our proven track record, individualized attention, and years of experience give you a stress-free experience and an increased likelihood of securing maximum compensation. To schedule a free case evaluation, call us at (208) 391-5945 or fill out our contact form.

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