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Free Consultation: 480.702.2277

Scottsdale Bicycle Accident Lawyer

There is nothing quite like taking your bicycle out for a nice ride on a beautiful day. When this is abruptly disrupted by an accident due to another party’s negligence, you may not know what to do. What are your rights? Should you call the police or a Scottsdale bicycle accident lawyer? How do you prove the accident was the driver’s fault and not yours? 

The first step in navigating the aftermath of a bicycle accident is calling a knowledgeable and compassionate Scottsdale, AZ bicycle accident attorney to help guide you. With extensive knowledge of your rights and the claims system, the team at Feller & Wendt can efficiently take your claim over for you and help you get one step closer to the compensation you deserve after your accident. 

Proving Fault in a Bicycle Accident

When you are in a bicycle accident and are looking to file a personal injury claim, a liable party must be identified. This may be drivers operating their vehicles while intoxicated, drivers who are speeding, or even bicyclists or pedestrians. To identify a liable party and prove fault, negligence must be demonstrated by establishing the following has occurred: 

  • You were owed a standard of care
  • That care was breached due to negligence
  • The breach directly caused a bicycle accident
  • The accident resulted in your injury

Arizona follows a comparative negligence law, meaning that even if you are found to be partially responsible for the accident, you may still recover damages. Your compensation will be directly affected and adjusted based on the percentage of fault calculated. For example, if you are found to be 25% at fault for the accident, your total compensation will be reduced by 25%. 

What Damages Are You Entitled After a Bicycle Accident? 

As the victim of a personal injury accident, you are entitled to damages for your losses. This compensation is broken up into different subcategories, including the following: 

  • Economic damages: Economic damages are designed to compensate you for your tangible losses, such as the price of medical bills, rehabilitative therapy, prescription medications, and lost wages as a result of missed work. 
  • Non-economic damages: Being in a bicycle accident can result in serious emotional trauma that is covered by non-economic damages. This compensation covers losses such as the loss of enjoyment of life, and any pain and suffering. 
  • Punitive damages: If your accident was a direct result of gross negligence or a wanton act, you may be entitled to punitive damages. For example, if a property owner has been notified that their sidewalks or property is not up to code and dangerous and they do not do anything about it, they are said to be grossly negligent. These damages are not calculated based on your injury but instead act as a penalty for the liable party. 

Arizona currently does not have a cap on economic, non-economic, or punitive damages. 

How a Distinguished Scottsdale, AZ Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

One of the most common mistakes victims of a personal injury accident can make is not immediately partnering with a distinguished Scottsdale bicycle accident lawyer. While you can technically file a claim on your own, it is important to remember that the insurance company is not your friend. Low settlement offers and even dismissed claims are potential outcomes when you try to navigate your claim alone. 

Instead, while you focus on resting and recovering, the team at Feller & Wendt will immediately begin an investigation into your accident, collecting time-sensitive and relevant evidence to help substantiate your claim. For a bicycle accident, this can include traffic camera footage, eyewitness accounts, and even expert testimony. By providing this and detailed medical records, we will ensure your claim fully documents the extent of your injuries. This gives you the best chance to receive a claim worthy of your losses. We are here to help combat low settlement offers and will even take your case to court if need be. 

Consult a Lawyer Regarding Your Legal Options Today

To give yourself the best shot at getting the outcome you deserve after your bicycle accident, partner with Feller & Wendt today. With many years of documented success under our belt, we have the tools and resources required to fight for your rights and future. We know how traumatic a personal injury accident can be, both on your body and your mind, and that’s why we fight so hard for your justice. Our people-first approach means you have access to our knowledgeable team at every single step of the process, from the initial consultation to the final settlement agreement. 

To see how we can best be of service to you today with a free consultation, please use our contact form or give our Scottsdale bicycle accident attorneys a call at (480) 702-2277.

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