Free Consultation: 801.499.5060
Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Nampa Boating Accident Attorney

Your day out on the water with family and friends can go from fun to dangerous in a matter of seconds. Whether caused by intoxicated driving, reckless operating, or speeding, a boating accident can be particularly catastrophic in regard to injury and property damage. 

If you find yourself on the receiving end of an injury due to another boater’s negligence, you are entitled to file a personal injury claim with their insurance for compensation. Your path to justice and recovery begins today with the dedicated team of Nampa boating accident lawyers at Feller & Wendt. We have years of documented successes and will do everything in our power to get you one step closer to the financial compensation and justice you deserve after your accident. 

Seeking Compensation After a Boating Accident

Idaho currently allows victims of personal injury accidents to file a personal injury claim with the negligent party’s insurance company for financial compensation. This can be broken down into two subcategories of damages, including: 

  • Economic damages: For tangible losses after your boating accident, your Nampa boating accident attorney can help you recover economic damages. This will cover losses such as property damage, the cost of medical bills, any emergency hospital visits, lost wages due to missed work, and physical therapy. 
  • Non-economic damages: A boat accident can come with emotional trauma and losses, which is what non-economic damages can help with. Examples of non-economic damages Idaho currently offers compensation for include pain, suffering, scarring or disfigurement, and loss of consortium. 

For accidents caused by gross negligence or a wanton disregard for your safety, your attorney can help you fight for punitive damages. These are not calculated based on your losses but a punitive measure taken against the at-fault party. 

How a Boating Accident Lawyer Can Help

While you focus on resting and recovering with family and friends after your boating accident, the team of knowledgeable and experienced Nampa boating accident lawyers at Feller & Wendt will get started on the following important aspects of your case: 

Gather Evidence

To begin your case and identify a liable party, your attorney will immediately begin an investigation into the circumstances surrounding your boating accident. This will include the collection and assessment of any potentially relevant evidence, including security footage, eyewitness testimony, expert testimony, detailed medical records, police reports, coast guard accounts, and more. 

Much of this information is time-sensitive, so it is in your best interest to reach out to an attorney as soon as possible. 

Establish Liability

Using the gathered evidence, your Nampa boating accident lawyer can establish a liable party to hold accountable for their reckless actions. This is done by demonstrating they acted negligently or that:

  • They owed you a standard of care
  • They breached that care by operating their boat in a reckless manner
  • That breach caused an accident
  • The accident directly resulted in your property damage and injuries

From here, a claim may be filed with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Idaho currently follows a modified comparative negligence law. This allows you to recover damages even if you are found to be partially responsible for the accident. As long as you are deemed to be no more than 50% liable, you can still recover damages. Your compensation will be adjusted accordingly.

File Your Claim

A claim must be filed within Idaho’s two-year statute of limitations. This deadline begins on the date of the boating accident. When you are filing a claim with the support of an experienced attorney, you don’t have to worry about missing the imposed deadline or not including the correct documentation. One of the number one reasons for a low settlement offer is the failure to fully represent the extent of your losses and any future expenditures. 

Our firm is prepared to take your case to court if a worthy offer cannot be reached. We understand the importance of an adequate settlement and are here to help you fight for your rights and your future. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation With a Dedicated Nampa Boating Accident Lawyer Today

Don’t let a day out on the water take a drastic toll on your foreseeable future. Feller & Wendt is your dedicated partner in the pursuit of justice after your boating accident. You don’t have to face this journey alone. With years of experience serving the Nampa community and a proven track record of securing substantial compensation for victims of negligence and personal injury accidents, we are here to lighten your load. While you focus on your recovery, we’ll take on the tough battles for you. From the very first consultation to the final settlement agreement, we will be at your side, ready to address any concerns you may have and answer any questions. 

To take the first step towards a brighter future today, please schedule a complimentary consultation by reaching out to us through our contact form or by calling our office at (208) 391-5945

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