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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Idaho Falls Car Accident Attorneys

A car accident could happen instantly and have significant consequences for the rest of your life. All too often, car accident victims suffer injuries that require a long and expensive rehabilitation period. Many car accident victims must also take extended time off of work as they heal and recover. These costs can add up quickly, overwhelming victims and their families. 

If you were injured in a car accident caused by another person’s careless or reckless behavior, you should not be forced to pay the bill for your accident-related expenses. The skilled attorneys at Feller & Wendt are proud to provide our clients with top-notch legal representation. Our team has extensive experience helping accident victims secure the maximum compensation available for their damages. Our Idaho Falls car accident attorneys understand the unique complexities of Idaho’s personal injury laws and are ready to apply their knowledge and skills as they fight for you. 

How the Skilled Attorneys at Feller & Wendt Can Help You After a Car Accident

Following a car accident, you deserve to have a seasoned legal representative on your side as you fight for justice. At Feller & Wendt, we are dedicated to helping our clients secure the maximum compensation for the full extent of their injuries and other losses. Some of the many ways our trusted attorneys can help you include the following:

  • Thoroughly investigating your accident
  • Gathering crucial evidence
  • Interviewing eyewitnesses
  • Determining the total value of your claim
  • Filing paperwork correctly and on time
  • Negotiating with all parties on your behalf
  • Fighting aggressively for your rights and interests inside and outside of the courtroom
  • Keeping you up to date on the status of your case and answering your legal questions

Our Idaho Falls car accident lawyers understand that every car accident is unique and has varying impacts on victims. We are dedicated to working with you to understand your needs so we can tailor our approach to your case. 

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Claims in Idaho Falls, ID ?

It is essential to remember that car accident victims in Idaho have a deadline for pursuing compensation for their accident-related damages. Victims must file their claims within a time limit called the statute of limitations. Idaho’s statute of limitations for car accident claims is two years from the date of the accident for any injuries and three years from the accident date to pursue compensation for property damage. 

While this may seem like plenty of time to seek justice, it is critical to act sooner rather than later. Vital evidence may be lost or destroyed as time passes, and eyewitnesses may forget what they saw. A skilled attorney from Feller & Wendt can begin work on your case as soon as possible to comply with this deadline and build a solid claim on your behalf. 

Damages You May Be Eligible to Collect Through a Car Accident Claim

If another driver’s negligence caused your accident, you deserve compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses. An attorney can evaluate your economic and non-economic losses to determine and fight for the total value of your claim. Some of the damages you may be eligible to recover include the following:

Current and Future Medical Expenses

Hospital bills following a personal injury can be challenging for victims and their families to keep up with. Your Idaho Falls car accident lawyer can organize your current expenses and analyze your possible future costs when determining the value of your claim. 

Lost Wages and Earning Potential

Performing your job duties may become impossible following your car accident. If you are unable to work, you may be entitled to compensation for the loss of income. 

Property Damage

Most car accidents result in costly vehicle damage and repairs. Your attorney can seek compensation for these losses and those related directly to your injuries. 

Pain and Suffering

Severe accidents can cause significant emotional trauma. While it can be challenging to establish these intangible losses after an accident, an experienced Idaho Falls car accident attorney who understands what it takes can help ensure you are compensated fairly. 

At Feller & Wendt, our team will work with you to evaluate the impact your injuries have on your life as they fight for the compensation you deserve. We pride ourselves on considering our client’s current and future needs when determining the total value of their claims. 

Discuss Your Case With an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Idaho Falls at Feller & Wendt

A car accident injury can have a long-term impact on your overall quality of life. If you have been injured in a car accident, do not hesitate to contact the skilled legal team at Feller & Wendt. With a wealth of legal knowledge and experience, we are dedicated to holding negligent drivers fully accountable for the harm they have caused. We have an established reputation of success and are ready to help you achieve the justice you deserve. 

Schedule a free consultation with one of our talented Idaho Falls car accident lawyers today by calling (208)-391-5945 or completing our contact form

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