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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Idaho Falls Bus Accident Lawyer

A Brief Summary of the Following Article

  • Buses provide reliable and safe public transportation, yet accidents occur, leading to serious injuries and financial burdens for victims.
  • Victims of bus accidents caused by negligence can seek compensation for both economic and non-economic damages with Feller & Wendt’s legal team.
  • Experienced attorneys at Feller & Wendt help establish fault, handle insurance claims, and ensure clients receive fair compensation within Idaho’s two-year statute of limitations.
  • Feller & Wendt offers free consultations to bus accident victims, providing legal support and advocating for their right to safe transportation and justice.

The bus is a dependable way to get around town, whether it’s to the office, downtown, or just to run errands. Public transportation is often an affordable and safe way to get from Point A to Point B, though as with any other form of transportation, it comes with the risk of an accident. Bus accidents can range in severity, with victims often left with long-lasting injuries and costly medical bills. 

If you have been involved in a bus accident due to another person or party’s reckless behavior or blatant negligence, you are entitled to speak with an Idaho Falls bus accident attorney and file a personal injury claim for damages today. The team at Feller & Wendt has proudly served our Idaho Falls community for many years with their personal injury claim needs and would love to do the same for you today. 

Recovering Compensation After Your Bus Accident

Idaho currently allows those who have fallen victim to a personal injury claim to recover both economic and non-economic damages after their accident. This involves compensation for tangible losses and intangible losses, such as the following: 

  • Past, present, and future medical expenses, such as emergency hospital visits
  • Rehabilitative therapy or physical therapy 
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Compensation for the inability to work or accept future job offers due to your injuries
  • Assistive equipment, devices, or at-home accommodations

If your attorney finds your accident was the result of gross negligence, they can help you file for punitive damages as well. Gross negligence is behavior that is deemed to be deliberately negligent. For example, if your bus company knew their driver had a history of bad driving and they continued to allow them to operate their buses, the company may be found liable and required to pay punitive damages. These are not calculated based on your specific losses like economic or non-economic damages are. Instead, these are more of a punitive fee against the at-fault party. 

How a Dedicated Attorney Can Help Your Specific Case

Hiring a qualified Idaho Falls bus accident lawyer from Feller & Wendt means getting to focus on the healing process while a knowledgeable and experienced attorney gets to work on the following pivotal aspects of your case:

Establishing Fault

To file a claim and recover damages, your attorney must first identify a liable party. In a bus accident, this can potentially be many parties, including the bus driver, the bus company, the bus manufacturer, or even other drivers on the road. To establish fault, your Idaho Falls bus accident attorney must first collect and assess any relevant information to use as evidence of negligence. With this evidence, they are looking to prove the following: 

  • You were owed a standard of care
  • This care was breached
  • The breach resulted in an accident and your injuries

For example, if another driver is speeding or fails to yield in time and causes an accident, they may be held accountable for their actions. By demonstrating negligence has occurred and directly caused your accident, you are entitled to file a personal injury claim with the liable party’s insurance. 

Filing Your Claim

Idaho currently has a two-year statute of limitations deadline for filing a personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. This timer begins on the date of the accident. The Idaho Falls bus accident lawyers at Feller & Wendt is prepared to handle this process for you, including all filing efforts, scheduling with the insurance company, and negotiations for your settlement offer. We will fight for a worthy claim for you, including any future expenses. If a worthy settlement offer cannot be reached, we are even prepared to take your case to court. 

When you attempt to file your claim without the assistance of an attorney, you run the risk of a low settlement offer or even a shift in blame. The insurance company is not your friend and will do everything in its power to offer you as little money as possible, which is why having our protection is key to your future success. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Feller & Wendt Today

If a bus accident has disrupted your life, you don’t have to face the consequences of the at-fault party’s recklessness alone. The team of highly-qualified Idaho Falls, ID bus accident lawyers at Feller & Wendt specializes in championing the rights of those injured in bus-related incidents, bringing our expertise and tenacity to the forefront of your fight for fair compensation. We know the roads you travel should be safe, and when they’re not, we’re here to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Take the crucial step towards your recovery and justice with Feller & Wendt. We offer a compassionate ear, a guiding hand, and a fierce representation in and out of the courtroom. For a complimentary case evaluation, call our Idaho Falls office at (208)-391-5945 or reach out via our contact form.

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