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How to Recover Evidence in a Utah Slip and Fall Claim

Having evidence is vital to backing up your slip-and-fall claim. Evidence is an integral part of establishing that your slip-and-fall resulted from someone’s negligence, who the liable party is, and justifying the compensation you’re pursuing. Compelling evidence can impact the outcome of your claim, so make sure you know how to collect evidence that will be beneficial.

An experienced slip-and-fall lawyer can help you understand the best techniques for recovering evidence for your claim. Using skills and resources they’ve gained from years of practicing, the lawyers at Feller & Wendt can guide you through developing a solid claim that may secure fair compensation for accident-related losses.

Preserve Physical Evidence From the Slip-And-Fall Accident

Instead of immediately washing or throwing away your clothes, hold onto them and, for an added measure, take pictures of them. If the slip-and-fall damaged any of your property, like an expensive watch, hold onto that as well. Damaged property can be used as evidence of your losses.

Depending on what caused your slip-and-fall, you may have physical evidence of the accident on your clothes. Slip-and-fall accidents are often caused by hazards such as spills, freshly mopped floors, uneven surfaces, clutter, and loose floorboards. Wet marks, paint smears, stains, and tears on clothes are just a few examples of physical evidence you could preserve to support your claim.

Return to the Scene of the Accident as Soon as Possible

Immediately after your slip-and-fall, logging every bit of information and detail surrounding your accident likely wasn’t on your mind. You should return to the accident scene as soon as possible to collect evidence pertinent to your case. Details from the scene of the accident will be crucial in establishing the value of your claim and proving your version of events. 

Once you’ve returned, take pictures of the establishment, particularly the location of your slip-and-fall. Ideally, the hazard that led to your accident will still be there so you can document its presence. If the staff asked you to fill out an incident report after your fall, take a picture of the incident report before you give it to staff.  More and more businesses are refusing to give you a copy of your incident report even after you request a copy while you’re there.

Be Resourceful When Locating Witnesses to Your Accident

Whether your accident occurred in a restaurant, store, home, or elsewhere, someone or something likely witnessed your slip-and-fall. Ask other visitors at the scene for their contact information. They may be able to make an official statement in your favor. If you have already left the location, you may be able to locate witnesses through a public social media post or ad. 

We live in a day and age where people often record what happens around them. Someone may have evidence of your slip-and-fall on their phone that you could ask for. In addition to people, cameras are also common in homes and businesses. Security cameras, nanny cams, and other video recording devices on the property may have captured your slip-and-fall and the events leading up to it.

Request Copies of Medical Records Documenting Your Slip-And-Fall Accident Injuries

Medical expenses usually account for a significant portion of the losses people experience following a slip-and-fall accident. Medical care received following your accident can be factored into your compensation. Revisit or contact your healthcare professionals to obtain copies of medical records documenting your injuries and the care you received to treat those injuries.

Seeking medical care as soon as possible after a slip-and-fall contributes to the legitimacy of your claim. Medical records can validate that you were indeed injured in the accident and needed treatment to recover.

Protect Your Rights With an Experienced Utah Slip-And-Fall Lawyer

Solid evidence can make a difference in the outcome of your slip-and-fall accident claim. Compelling evidence legitimizes your claim and supports its value, proving you are entitled to certain damages. With help from an experienced slip-and-fall lawyer, you can learn what evidence will benefit your specific claim and how to gather it.

At Feller & Wendt, we’ve guided numerous clients through personal injury best practices that have contributed to the success of their slip-and-fall claims. Our attorneys have well-honed skills that have helped secure substantial recoveries. Free yourself from the burden of handling your slip-and-fall claim alone. Contact our firm by calling (801) 499-5060 or submitting a contact form.

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