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Free Consultation: 480.702.2277

Glendale Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

A slip-and-fall accident on someone else’s property can happen instantly, throwing a wrench into your peaceful life. These accidents can cause significant injury, lengthy hospital stays, and extended time away from work as you heal. While many slip-and-fall accidents are caused by poor maintenance and other instances of property owner negligence, the at-fault party may attempt to deny responsibility for the accident and your subsequent injuries.

If you suffered injuries in a slip-and-fall accident, you deserve to have a seasoned Glendale slip and fall attorney on your side. At Feller & Wendt, our attorneys are ready to fight for your rights and build a strong claim on your behalf. Our passionate team can use their resources to thoroughly investigate your case and help you pursue the maximum compensation available for your losses. When you retain one of our talented attorneys, you can trust us to fight relentlessly for your rights and interests. 

How Can a Skilled Glendale, AZ Slip-And-Fall Lawyer Help You?

Following a slip-and-fall injury, your top priority should be your health. At Feller & Wendt, our team can take the stress of litigation off your shoulders as you focus on your recovery process. A few of the many ways our attorneys can aid you and the success of your claim include the following:

  • Thoroughly investigating your accident
  • Collecting evidence from the scene
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Filing all paperwork correctly and on time
  • Negotiating with all parties on your behalf
  • Determining the total value of your claim
  • Guiding you through Arizona’s complex legal process
  • Keeping you updated as your case progresses
  • Answering your legal questions

We understand no two slip-and-fall accidents impact victims the same way and are dedicated to tailoring our services to your unique needs. 

Ways to Strengthen Your Slip-And-Fall Claim

Slip-and-fall injuries often have substantial physical, emotional, and financial consequences. If a property owner’s negligence caused your accident, you may have grounds to pursue a premises liability claim to compensate you for your losses. However, compensation is not automatic. Taking the following steps can help you bolster your claim and increase your chances of securing the best possible outcome:

Obtain and Save Your Medical Records

Your medical records can be critical to documenting the severity of your injury and how the property owner’s negligent actions caused your accident. These records can help your attorney establish liability and pursue compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other accident-related damages. 

Provide as Much Evidence From the Scene as Possible

Be sure to show your attorney any evidence you preserved from the accident scene. Any photos, video footage, and witness contact information you may have can add credibility to your case and help your Glendale slip and fall lawyer prove your claim. The shoes and clothes you wore when you slipped and fell may also be able to strengthen your claim.  

Document Your Injuries and Expenses

In addition to proving liability, you must prove you suffered losses to recover the compensation you deserve. While damages like your medical bills and lost wages have an exact dollar amount, others, such as pain, suffering, and emotional distress, are not as easy to calculate. Saving your medical bills and other accident-related expenses can help your Glendale AZ slip and fall accident attorney prove your financial damages. For intangible, a pain journal can document how your injuries impact your life, both physically and emotionally. 

Proving Liability in a Slip-And-Fall Accident Case

Your case must meet certain criteria to establish negligence in a slip-and-fall claim. After choosing our firm, your Glendale, AZ slip and fall injury lawyer will investigate your case to prove the following elements:

  • The property owner owed you a duty of care
  • The property owner acted negligently, violating the duty of care
  • This breach of duty caused your accident
  • You suffered economic and non-economic damages due to your injuries

Property owners in Arizona owe visitors a legal duty of care to act responsibly to prevent injuries on their property. Unfortunately, many breach this duty by failing to maintain their property or repair hazards properly. When someone suffers an injury due to this negligence, the injured party may be able to hold the owner responsible through a premises liability claim. The trusted attorneys at Feller & Wendt can investigate every detail of your accident to build a solid claim and pursue damages for the full extent of your losses. 

Speak With a Talented Slip-And-Fall Attorney at Feller & Wendt

You may feel understandably stressed and overwhelmed after being injured in a slip-and-fall accident. Fortunately, you do not need to fight for your interests alone. At Feller & Wendt, our experienced attorneys are dedicated to thoroughly investigating every accident as we advocate aggressively for the compensation you are owed. We have a wealth of legal experience and are ready to protect your rights.

To learn more about how we can help you, schedule a free consultation by calling (480) 702-2277 or completing our contact form today. 

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