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Concussion At The Workplace: Am I Eligible For Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Concussions are among the most common traumatic brain injuries, accounting for nearly 75% of this type of brain injury according to the CDC. Concussions are not always a cause for concern, but every good physician knows that a patient with a concussion needs to be monitored for a while. As you probably know, a concussion is not something to be taken lightly either. It essentially occurs due to a temporary loss of brain function due to a head injury. Since the brain is one of the most sensitive organs, any permanent damage is certainly a cause for concern.

Concussions at Work: The Main Causes

A concussion can happen to anyone, no matter the profession. While it is more common in jobs such as construction where employees are at constant risk of heavy falling items as well as slip and fall injuries, concussions could happen as a result of a car accident or a fall down the stairs as well.

If any of these accidents result in a strong blow to the head, the employee might suffer a concussion. While cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain from impacts to the head, if the blow was too rapid it might not be able to soften the blow and the brain comes into contact with the skull.

In some cases, there will be no apparent signs of trauma like blood, bruises or cuts. Still, that does not eliminate the possibility that the injured person suffered a concussion. That is why you need to look at other symptoms.

Symptoms of a Concussion

The signs of a concussion can vary in length and severity. They might not even occur immediately after the blow, so patients have to be monitored. The symptoms include headaches, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, mood swings, loss of balance, impaired cognitive functions and short-term memory loss.

If not treated properly, a concussion can have serious long-term effects including trouble concentrating, mood swings, memory loss, anxiety, and depression. Some of these symptoms may interfere with the employee’s ability to do their job and therefore result in a long absence from work.

Workers’ Comp and Concussions

If you can prove that you sustained a severe head trauma resulting in a concussion at work, you might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. They will cover both the medical expenses and lost wages if the condition prevents you from going back to work immediately.

However, since these injuries may not always be apparent and the patient shows no clear signs of a concussion immediately, some insurance companies will try to deny your claim. Furthermore, as the symptoms do not always develop immediately, it might get difficult to prove that the accident occurred at work.

If this happens to you, you should look for an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can guide you through the entire process, from filing the claim to medical consultations. Since these injuries are difficult to connect to the workplace, medical evidence and appropriate representation are crucial in winning your case.

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