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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Clearfield Car Accident Lawyer

Even the most careful Clearfield drivers can be involved in car accidents if other motorists are driving negligently. Whether they cannot keep their hands off their phones, allow their eyes to wander, or fail to adhere to the rules of the road, another driver’s negligence can cost you medical expenses, property damage, and more. Covering these losses shouldn’t be your burden to bear.

Pursue the compensation you deserve with support from an experienced Clearfield car accident lawyer. Though Utah is a no-fault state, you still have options for recovering fair compensation to cover your accident-related expenses. An experienced personal injury lawyer can provide you with the legal guidance you need to handle the particulars of your case while fighting for your rights. Reach out to the experienced car accident lawyers of Feller & Wendt to discuss your claim.

How Does Utah’s No-Fault Auto Insurance System Affect My Car Accident Case?

Regardless of who is at fault for the accident, under a no-fault system, your own auto insurance coverage, known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP), will cover your medical expenses and certain other accident-related losses. Unfortunately, a no-fault system limits which losses you can recover compensation for. 

Under Utah’s no-fault system, you cannot recover compensation for your pain and suffering or any other intangible losses brought on by the accident. Under Utah law, the injured party’s injuries must reach a certain threshold before they can leave the no-fault system. When that threshold is met, you can file a third-party insurance claim against the at-fault driver or sue them for damages, including non-economic damages.

What Is the Threshold for Suing an At-Fault Driver in Utah?

In Utah, a person hurt in an auto accident must have experienced one of two things to be permitted to file a claim against the at-fault driver. They must have either incurred at least $3,000 in medical expenses due to the collision or experienced specific severe injuries. The injuries that fall within Utah’s injury threshold for pursuing a liability claim include permanent impairment, disability, disfigurement, or dismemberment.

After meeting one of these two criteria, you may pursue a personal injury lawsuit or make a third-party auto insurance claim against the at-fault driver to hold them accountable for the accident. Then, you can seek monetary damages for any losses, including pain and suffering and other intangible losses that are not covered by a no-fault policy.

The Statute of Limitations for a Clearfield Car Accident Claim

For accident injuries resulting from car accidents, you have four years to seek compensation through Utah’s civil court system, and the clock begins to run on the day of the collision. Within three years of the incident, you may initiate a claim if an accident caused damage to your car or other property.

However, there is a two-year statute of limitations deadline for filing a wrongful death claim. The deceased person’s relatives or representatives can do so if the victim died from their accident injuries. Instead of the date of the accident, the clock begins to run on the day the victim passed away. Whatever claim you are filling, it is vital to submit it before the applicable deadline. Otherwise, your claim may be dismissed.

Damages You Can Recover in a Clearfield Civil Suit

Auto accidents have varying consequences that could lead to substantial financial and emotional damages. In a no-fault state, fully recovering all your damages requires filing a civil suit. People often lose more than they expect following a car accident. An experienced Clearfield car accident lawyer can walk you through how much your accident is truly costing you, preventing you from estimating the worth of your claim incorrectly.

Depending on your case, you may be eligible to recover damages like the following:

  • Wages lost because of time off work to treat injuries
  • Prescriptions, procedures, and physical therapy addressing your accident injuries
  • Mental anguish brought on by the changes in life caused by accidents
  • Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to the accident
  • Replacing a damaged vehicle and financing alternate transportation

The best case scenario for you is to have the damages you are awarded cover all losses you have experienced because of the accident. Many auto accident victims don’t consider all of the ways the incident has impacted them when trying to assess the value of their case. You may be able to calculate a figure that more accurately represents your actual losses with the help of an accomplished Clearfield car accident attorney.

Contact an Experienced Clearfield Car Accident Lawyer for Your  Accident Case

The aftershock of a car accident can send burdens rippling throughout your life. Recovering fair compensation can ease those burdens, but handling a car accident claim alone can be stressful. Hiring an experienced Clearfield car accident attorney can fight for you to receive a fair settlement or damages award while easing some stress.

At Feller & Wendt, we assist clients at each stage of their claim process. We have handled numerous auto accident claims in our practice. Using the abilities and in-depth knowledge of personal injury law we have developed over many years of representing clients, we work to represent clients as effectively as possible. Call us at (801) 499-5060 or fill out our contact form to set up a free consultation to discuss how we can help your case.

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