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Chandler Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Cycling is one of the greatest ways to enjoy the beautiful sceneries of Chandler. It is also an environmentally friendly and effective way of physical exercise. Nonetheless, Chandler’s population continues to grow, and more cars, bikes, and trucks are getting on the road daily. Bicyclists have very little protection — all it takes is one distracted driver or faulty construction to cause serious injuries to bicyclists. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, around two people die in bicycle accidents daily in the US. Arizona is the third most dangerous state for bicyclists in the country.

Bicycle accidents may be caused by driver negligence, defective bicycle parts, or dangerous road conditions. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A bicycle accident lawyer from Feller and Wendt may help you navigate the legal process and obtain the compensation you deserve.

Determining Fault in a Chandler Bicycle Accident

Because there are no structures to protect bicyclists, even the smallest collision can cause serious injuries to the cyclist. However, to hold the driver accountable for negligence, you must prove fault in a personal injury lawsuit.

Establishing fault requires you to prove that the driver causing the accident ought to have done something different to prevent or protect the bicyclist. In addition, you must prove that the driver owed you a duty of care that they failed to exercise, resulting in the accident. Drivers may fail to exercise the duty of reasonable care in various ways, such as:

  •  Speeding
  • Failure to leave sufficient space for bicyclists
  • Ignorance of traffic signs and signals
  • Failure to check for the presence of bicyclists before opening the door
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Nonetheless, the specific cause of the bicycle accident may not be established until your bicycle accident lawyer conducts a comprehensive investigation. There are certain laws guiding bicyclists’ conduct in Arizona. In case of an accident, the driver’s attorney may be interested in investigating whether you violated any of the cycling rules.

Arizona uses the doctrine of comparative negligence. If you or your loved one is involved in an accident, the jury evaluates both the driver and bicyclist’s fault. If the bicyclist’s negligence is established, compensation is reduced by an amount equivalent to the victim’s fault percentage.

Injuries Caused by Bicycle Accidents in Chandler, AZ

When you or your friend is involved in a bicycle accident due to a driver’s negligence, poor road conditions, or other obstructions, it can result in fatal injuries. Bicyclists often sustain injuries such as:

  • Broken bones
  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • Paralysis or other spinal cord injuries
  • Internal bleeding

Despite risk of injuries, cyclists and drivers are subjected to the same laws. This implies that when a bicycle and a car approaches an intersection, the person who arrives first has the right of way. Insufficient knowledge, inattentiveness of other road users, and careless driving are common causes of injuries.

Compensation for Chandler, AZ Bicycle Accidents

Even a minor collision in a bicycle accident can result in  severe injury. For example, if an accident involves a vehicle, the immense size difference between a car and a bicycle puts the cyclist at a disadvantage. As a result, compensation acquired in a successful bicycle accident claim often focuses on physical injuries, property damage, and psychological and emotional distress. Some of the common compensations for bicycle accidents include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills such as emergency services, physical therapy, and extended hospitalization
  • Wrongful death
  • Physical therapy
  • Loss of income

The harm you experience after a bicycle accident may change your life forever. You have the right to seek compensation and justice for the damages you sustain due to the accident. Speak with a bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible to start the legal claim process.

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Arizona Bicycle Use Laws

Like many other states, Arizona laws require cyclists to observe the same road rules as automobiles. This implies that bicyclists ought to obey all traffic rules, including stopping at traffic lights and signs. However, there are some bicycle-specific laws for guiding bicyclists in Chandler — these regulations are outlined in Title 28 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. The regulations state that:

  • You may not ride side-by-side with another bicycle unless you’re on a bike-only path
  • If riding at a speed slower than the normal traffic, you must pull off towards the edge of the roadway
  • You must give an appropriate arm signal before you turn or change lanes
  • You must keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times while on the road
  • If there are more than five vehicles behind you, you may give the right of way as soon as it is safe to do so
  • Your bicycle must be equipped with a rear or front brake or both

In addition to these regulations, it is advisable for bicyclists to always wear a helmet while riding and remain observant of pedestrians and other obstacles that may cause injuries.

What to do After a Bicycle Accident in Arizona

If you or a loved one is involved in a bicycle accident, you need to dial 911 to receive medical attention and police help as soon as possible. You need to be physically examined even if you think you’re fine. The adrenaline rush you experience in an accident can mask symptoms of injuries. Then you can do the following if you’re in a position to do so:

  • Take photos or video of the scene of the accident
  • Exchange contact information with the driver, including insurance information
  • Request the police report number for your case
  • Contact an experienced Chandler bicycle accident lawyer to take you through the complexities of the case
  • The at-fault party’s insurance company may contact you for some information. But, always consult your lawyer before sharing any information.

In some cases, you may not have had time to gather evidence, or your injuries were too severe. A bicycle accident lawyer has the tools and resources to investigate and gather the necessary documentation for your claim. Contact your Chandler personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to start the investigation process.

Contact the Experienced Chandler Bicycle Lawyers at Feller and Wendt

If you have been involved in a bicycle accident caused by another person’s negligence in Chandler, contact an experienced bicycle accident lawyer to help you. Determining negligence can be daunting and involves multiple legal complexities that only a bicycle attorney may understand. The lawyers at Feller and Wendt will help you through the complex legal process.

Our Feller and Wendt bicycle lawyers have the experience and resources to prove negligence for the at-fault party and force the insurance companies to provide the compensation you deserve. Our more than three decades of experience dealing with accident cases enable our attorneys to provide personalized attention to each lawsuit. They know all the legal procedures for cases in Chandler, AZ giving our firm a record success in nearly all our cases. In addition, you don’t have to worry about upfront costs.  At Feller and Wendt, you don’t have to pay a penny until we recover your compensation.

Call us today at 480.702.2277 or fill out our contact form to learn more about our bicycle accident lawyers. Call us at 480.702.2277 or fill out our contact form to schedule your free consultation today.


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