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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Is Physical Therapy Covered in My Economic Damages After a Motor Vehicle Accident in Arizona?

The aftermath of an accident can be just as traumatic as the actual incident. They can result in severe injuries that will require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. As a result of these injuries, physical therapy is often a crucial component of recovery for accident victims. Fortunately, in Arizona physical therapy expenses,
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Car Accident FAQ

What Should You Do Immediately After a Car Accident? After a car accident, prioritize safety by moving to a secure location if possible. Contact emergency services and the police to report the incident. Exchange information with other involved parties and gather evidence by taking photos of the scene. It’s also important to
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What to Do When You Find Yourself in White Out Conditions While Driving

Driving in whiteout conditions presents a unique and formidable challenge, even for the most experienced drivers. Often caused by heavy snowfall, whiteouts can drastically reduce visibility and make the roads treacherous. In these extreme weather conditions, taking steps to protect your safety, including slowing down, turning on your fog lights, and preparing
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How Passenger Vehicles Can Avoid Accidents on Snowy Roads

Driving on snowy roads presents unique challenges, even for the most seasoned drivers. The slick, unpredictable conditions can turn a routine drive into a hazardous one, increasing the risk of an accident. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent a collision, including steering into skids and ensuring your vehicle
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5 Ways to Document What Happened After an Arizona Car Accident

The aftermath of a car accident can be stressful and overwhelming, making it challenging to document and remember the right details. However, accurately recording your accident can significantly impact your claim. Documenting an accident goes beyond snapping a few pictures. It’s about capturing the right details that paint a complete picture of
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What Is Permissive Use Car Insurance in Utah?

While you may be the primary driver of your vehicle, every now and then, another person who is not listed on your policy may need to drive it. However, in these cases, you may worry about insurance and what happens if this non-listed individual gets into a car accident in your vehicle.
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The Importance of Seeing a Doctor After a Utah Car Accident

Car accidents can turn lives upside down in an instant, and the aftermath of that accident can be just as traumatic and overwhelming. As a result, not everyone may seek immediate medical attention. It’s understandable that someone might skip visiting a doctor right after an accident, especially if they feel fine. However,
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