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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Can You Still File a Truck Accident Claim in Idaho Even if the Truck Had Warning Signs?

As you drive down the highway, whether it’s to work or to run errands, you’ve likely encountered a large 18-wheeler with warning signs stuck alongside the backside of the vehicle. The stickers are there to give you basic warnings, such as: “Stay back 200 feet because of debris” and “If you can’t see the driver, they can’t see you.” While good indicators to keep a safe distance, do the warning stickers offer any actual protection when the truck causes an accident? 

The short answer is no. If the truck driver or the truck itself causes any accident due to falling debris or reckless driving, the stickers do not legally protect them or prohibit you from filing a claim. If you are injured in an accident due to their negligence, you are owed compensation for your damages. Feller & Wendt is here to help you recover the financial compensation you need to start fresh and move on from your accident. For many years now we have helped our clients get one step closer to their desired outcome and would love to do the same for you. 

How to File a Truck Accident Claim

When you partner with a knowledgeable lawyer from Feller & Wendt, you are partnering with someone who will take care of all of the necessary steps when it comes to filing your personal injury claim. These steps include: 

  • Collecting and assessing evidence: In order to demonstrate liability and prove negligence to the court, you will need relevant evidence. For a truck-related accident, this can include traffic camera footage, blood alcohol concentration level reports, police reports, eyewitness testimony, working logs, and more. 
  • Establishing liability: Liability is established by proving negligence. In a trucking accident, this is done by using evidence to demonstrate that an expected duty of care was not provided and that it directly resulted in an accident and your injury. 
  • Adhering to the statute of limitations: All personal injury claims must be filed before their state’s statute of limitations. For most, the start date is the date of the accident. 

When you file a claim with an attorney by your side, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of success and not having your claim dismissed. 

Potential Compensation Available for Truck Accident Victims

Truck accidents can cause severe injury to all parties involved and can result in a stack of medical bills, lost wages due to weeks of missed work, and more losses. Your attorney will fight for you to receive the most possible compensation available for your accident, which includes economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages cover the tangible losses, like past, present, and future bills. 

Noneconomic damages are there to help with the cost of the pain and suffering you endured. This can include the loss of enjoyment of life, or the loss of consortium. Navigating severe injuries can take a toll on your emotional health and our attorneys will fight to get you the financial justice and compensation needed to tackle those issues head on. 

Injured in a Truck Accident? A Dedicated Lawyer Can Help Today

Feller & Wendt is here to help you through a trying time. We deeply understand how stressful and overwhelming this whole process can be, and that’s where we come in. From the very first consultation, you will have access to a dedicated and compassionate attorney to help answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. This can include legal routes, options, and possible outcomes to your case. 

We’ll use every resource available to fight for your future. To start the process today with a free case evaluation, please use our contact form or call our office at (208)-391-5945.

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