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Free Consultation: 801.499.5060

Who May Be Liable for a Truck Accident Caused by Unsecured Cargo?

The presence of massive trucks on our highways is a common sight, showcasing the backbone of our transportation system. However, when these trucks are not properly secured, the consequences can be catastrophic. Understanding the key players involved and the factors contributing to these accidents is crucial for both accident victims seeking justice
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The Ultimate Guide to Arizona Jackknife Truck Accidents

Amidst the sprawling highways of Arizona, a sudden and startling phenomenon occurs: a truck folding at a sharp angle, resembling a closing jackknife. This is known as a jackknife accident, a type of trucking mishap that poses significant risks to everyone on the road. For those affected, comprehending the intricacies of these
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Is Lane Filtering Legal in Arizona?

In the bustling streets of Arizona, amidst the roar of engines and the hurried pace of daily life, a motorcycle weaves its way through the gridlock. This act, known as lane filtering, raises a critical question for riders and drivers alike. Is lane filtering legal in Arizona? The answer, in short, is
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Slip and Fall Accident FAQ

How Do I Protect My Rights After a Slip-And-Fall Accident? While the moments, days, and weeks after a slip-and-fall accident can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming, your actions can significantly impact your safety and claim for compensation. A few steps to protect your rights include the following: Seek Medical Attention Seeking immediate
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Car Accident FAQ

What Should You Do Immediately After a Car Accident? After a car accident, prioritize safety by moving to a secure location if possible. Contact emergency services and the police to report the incident. Exchange information with other involved parties and gather evidence by taking photos of the scene. It’s also important to
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